Digging Deeper… Easily!

Finding and Stopping Money Leaks

Every business can learn more effective ways to manage finances given the right tools. You may feel you are doing a great job, but periodic review of expenses or income can yield potential savings.
Tracking trends, such as cashflow, working capital, or equity will provide valuable insights. Our tools will help you analyze your bookkeeping or accounting numbers by providing graphics and data organization. You see and understand what’s happening financially in your business.

Find and Seize Opportunities

Discover business nuggets of financial information and trends that may will open new areas of growth, investment, or change in direction.
In the thick of day to day operations we see trees (individual trees... problems, challenges and issues).
Using timely reviews of your financial data presented in powerful graphics and data, will enable you to see the big picture... the forest.
You may well discover barren spots. The need to thin areas out or start a replanting of trees for the future. When data is organized and presented in a sensible manner your financial life just becomes easier and manageable.

Keeping More of Your Money

Building equity from day to day operations makes sense!
Yes, using credit from time to time is wise. However, figuring out how to keep more of the money stream in your business, while challenging, may well be a better and more secure choice.
Our tools will help you see more options creating a greater return on your money. In addition, you will have more control, less outside dictation by others, greater peace of mind in economic downturns, and faster response in strong financial times. Managing your business is a challenge. However, the task will be easier with our simple easy tools.
By Ken Stavast
A serial entrepreneur, accounting and payroll software developer, marketer and consultant to small to mid sized business operations. Can be reached at AffordableSolutionsForBusiness.com or BusinessLogicUSA.com or HomeRunmarketing-USA.com on the contact page.